Best CV Format For the UAE (With Examples) – 2024

A lot of people think that writing a CV is the most challenging part. However, the most daunting part of a CV is to make sure that it follows certain guidelines that HRs find sensible.
Not only this, but you need to ensure that your application does not miss any unnecessary details or space while having a concise, appealing, and clear look.
Your CV is a document that enables you to showcase your skills, qualifications, education, experiences, and much more with potential hiring managers.
UAE CV writing services say that it is a document that markets you in order to help you land a job. Therefore, it must not only be visually pleasing, but it must possess the power to make an impact on the reader in a few seconds.
For that, your application should be in the right format.
Let us take a look at what format you must follow when writing a CV for any prestigious company in the UAE.
Decoding The Perfect Format For Your CV | Things To Include
Personal Details
While writing a CV for the UAE, you need to mention your personal details on your application. Unlike the CVs from Europe or the UAE, the hiring managers in the UAE expect to see the personal information of each and every candidate.
This could be due to numerous countless reasons. For instance, they need to know things like your marital status to come up with the type of accommodation and if the role of the package covers it, etc. Most of the time, what hiring managers in the UAE look for in your application are:
- Your Full Name: This one sounds obvious, but your full name must be clearly mentioned at the top of your application. A large font size will make your name remain memorable. Moreover, it will also help the recruiter to remember your name while they are emailing or calling you.
- Contact Info: Sending a CV would be a complete waste of time if there is no contact information on it. Where do you think the recruiter would reach out to you if you look like the perfect fit?
- Where You’re From: Many candidates in the UAE are from abroad. If you, too, are a foreigner, then mention your nationality.
- Your Age: Putting your date of birth in the CV is common practice in the UAE
- Visa Info: If you are already residing in the UAE, then jot down what sort of visa you possess and also mention its expiration date.
- Your Photo: Please note that adding a picture is mandatory when it comes to CVs in the UAE. Add a professional-looking and clear picture of you, and refrain from adding any casual or fancy picture
Why You’re Applying (Objective/Summary)
As per numerous reports, recruiters spend no more than six seconds deciding whether that applicant is suitable for the position or not. Thus, you have to ensure that your prospective hiring manager is really convinced and impressed by the way you introduce yourself. The best place for this is none other than the summary section of your CV. Therefore, do your best to write a gripping summary that sheds light on all your professional achievements. However, do not start writing your entire life story in this section. Make it concise and clear.
Your Past Jobs (Work Experience)
After writing your professional summary/objective, you have to list your work experience. Start with the most recent one. For each and every job, you need to mention:
- Job title
- Company you served
- How long you served in that position
- Major tasks you did
- What you achieved
Your Studies (Education)
Next comes the turn of your academic experience. Again, you have to start with your most recent education. Keep in mind to include:
- What degree have you got
- Where you studied
- When you finished
- Mention any special courses or training that you have done
Skills You Have
A lot of candidates take this section very lightly. They copy and paste the skills only to fill up that unwanted white space. This is why, when it comes to showcasing whether they actually possess those skills or not, they fail miserably. Thus, we urge you to be honest in the first place and only mention the skills that you really possess.
It will take some of your precious time, but trust us! The results would be totally worth the time you invest in thinking about the right skills. After coming up with the appropriate skills, take some time to quantify them and showcase them as your achievements. Lastly, if you know any languages, especially Arabic (since we are talking about CVs in the UAE), then do not forget to add them to your CV. You can also consult any of the best CV writing services in Dubai to get your CV upgraded.
Special Awards Or Achievements
This is the part where you show off your licences, volunteer work, certifications, awards, etc. By looking at your achievements, your hiring manager will have a clearer insight into your background. But you need to keep one thing in mind: you should use as few words as you can because going into the details might seem like an exaggeration.
Who Can Vouch For You? (References)
This is the last section of your CV, but not a mandatory one. Only add references if your recruiter has asked for them. Hiring managers do not look at the references at the starting phase of filtering CVs. This is why we recommend you write “available upon request” under this section.
What is the best CV format for the UAE in 2024?
For job hunters seeking jobs in the UAE, the ideal CV format is none other than the reverse-chronological resume. This CV format revolves around listing your information, starting with the most recent one and going back to the qualifications, degrees, and jobs you have done in the past.
Is CV format significant?
Well, yes! The way you format your resume is dramatically essential. Basically, your CV format includes the type of information presented on your application. Moreover, it also involves the way your information is presented and organized.
What CV format is most ATS-friendly?
The most ATS-friendly CV has a reverse-chronological format. This is due to the fact that such CVs permit the hiring managers to use keywords that are ATS-specific in the candidates’ skills sections.
Are handwritten CVs still being used in the UAE?
Not at all. CVs written by hand are barely being used in the UAE. So, you must refrain from submitting a handwritten application when seeking jobs.
Summing It All Up!
All in all, the ability to tailor a dynamic CV is entirely in your hands. A CV is not only a mere document that highlights your work history, personal information, academic experience, interests, achievements, and much more. Rather, it is a solid document to imply your professionalism and great practices before you actually have a one-on-one meeting with your hiring manager. This is why formatting your application will help you stand out from the crowd right from the start. If you are not confident in your writing or formatting skills, then there is no shame in seeking help from an expert CV writer.