Secret Ebook Categories In Kindle Direct Publishing Can Be Unlocked

Kindle direct publishing service

Just like how in Harry Potter movies, secret doors lead to magical hidden worlds, the Amazon KDP has secret categories that can open up new opportunities and unlock greater success potential. 

This is an untapped prospect available on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, which is rarely explored but holds the power to dramatically increase your Book’s reach. So, are you ready to discover the KDP’s chamber of secrets?

On this journey, we will find out how to strategically get to the bottom of the niche category leverages as it helps direct the Book away from the crowd to the ideal audience. 

6 Hidden EBook Pathways for ‘Kindle’ Success

It is pretty simple to sign in and be a part of Kindle direct publishing service, but it is much easier to get your Book placed in one or more niche categories. Here are a few niches that you can pick from –

Self Help > Personal Transformation

As an author, you can take an anxious person with you on the journey of self-discovery and transformation in this niche. Image targeting not just teenagers or people in their early 20s but only the ones who suffer from this condition. So, when you segment the audience, Divide & Conquer – it helps you connect to your readers better. The main theme of the script would revolve around actionable steps to overcome challenges, set goals, and find inspiration around you. 

Science Fiction & Fantasy > Alien Invasion

It is possible that real sci-fi lovers are still sleeping on your impressive alien stories because they are unaware of your existence. This can happen if the manuscript is listed in the wrong category. Hence, if you tend to write gripping tales of space encounters and battles for survival, it is better to label it with an ‘Alien Invasion’ subsection. Its resilient plot and imaginative, complex characters will give it a greater chance to excel. 

Romance > Romantic Comedy 

Speaking of Rom-Coms, they are perfect for readers who crave an escape filled with love, laughter and heartwarming moments. These stories are usually a blend of witty banter, loveable characters and fascinating storylines like enemy-turned-lover. Hence, if you are a romance novelist, you can offer everyone an escape from the mundane by simply selecting the appropriate category when uploading the script on Amazing KDP. The relatable stories and laugh-out-loud moments will take care of the rest. 

Children’s Book > Science Nature & How it Works

If your target audience is aged between 6 and 18, you need to place your feel-good scripts in the ‘Science, Nature and How it Works’ section. This way, you can directly address the children looking for accessible scientific manuscripts. It becomes easier for them to find where your Book is displayed. Later on, you can use captivating illustrations, simple explanations and interactive elements in your books to turn readers into loyal fans. Imagine becoming an easy-to-find valuable resource for nurturing future scientists. 

Literature & Fiction >  Action and Adventure

Furthermore, another non-cliché genre that keeps the reader on the edge of their seat is Action and Adventure in the category of fiction. It is ideal for those who love high-stakes missions and intriguing literature, serving as a gateway to never-ending thrills. Hence, the next time before you offer a script that revolves around this particular theme to book publishers in UK, make sure you add it to the right secret category for increased reach. 

Mystery, Thriller & Suspense > Psychological Thrillers

Lastly, to intrigue readers with the dark and twisted narratives of psychological thrillers, you need to select a relevant niche. This subsection is all about the depths of the human psyche, exploring themes of manipulation, fear and moral uncertainty. So, if you choose this, you need to write intricate plots, deep character studies and unexpected twists that keep the reader guessing until the end. This is the easiest hack for ensuring that your intriguing draft reaches the right audience and makes rounds on the internet. 

Few Categorizing Pitfalls that You Must Avoid

Where, on the one hand, proper categorization of eBooks on Kindle Direct Publishing can enhance sales and discoverability, the unexpected pitfalls can turn the table in no time. 

  • Over-categorization means adding too many categories. This dilutes the prominence of your script.  
  • Choosing irrelevant subsections can confuse the readers and reduce the sales beyond average.
  • Ignoring keywords can be problematic as the ones that don’t align with the audience lead to reduced ability to be discovered.
  • Overlooking or neglecting niche classifications can ensure that you miss targeting the actual readers. 
  • Keeping your print and eBook versions in the same category can also be the reason why they are not doing well. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Are secret classifications beneficial for EBook ranking?

The less competitive genre on Amazon KDP might be a great way to push your Book rank higher. It can also help you gain visibility, so choose the right classification to reach your target audience directly. 

How often should I update my book types?

It is a good idea to review and update your book genres periodically. Especially if you notice your book isn’t getting the prominence or sales that you expected. The effective thumb rule says you must check it every 3 to 6 months and make adjustments wherever necessary. 

Can I use multiple secret genres for one Book?

Again, yes, you can use it by selecting relevant niche classifications, and it will make your book discoverable enough. For additional success, you can also request through Amazon’s Author Central to increase your book’s ranking in various niches. 

How do I request a specific category on Amazon KDP?

To request a specific genre on Amazon KDP, first, you need to select the category you want to rank for and copy the full string. Then you must visit the contact page, sign in, drop down the ‘How We Can Help’ section and choose ‘Update Amazon Categories’ to find your way. 

The Summation of KDP EBook Category Ranges

When you unlock the EBook hidden categories in Kindle Direct Publishing – KDP, authors can make the most of this thriving opportunity. Imagine doing the bare minimum and, in return, the visibility of your script multiples. What a win-win affair, right?

All you have to do is open the website and go deeper into the categories. Find the mini tags that are closest to your book theme and press ‘select’. There you go; you just set yourself a subsection that helps you connect directly to the relevant audience. These people are beyond interested in your writing efforts and will surely come back for more.

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